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Example Code

// This is a memoization to calculate the factorial of n

Memoization<Integer, Long> factorial = GoodMemoizationFactory.getInstance().create(new MemoizationFunction<Integer, Long>() {
	public Long get(Integer input, Memoization<Integer, Long> memo) {
		if (input == 0)
			return 1L;
			return input * memo.get(input - 1);

// for n=20, the result is 2432902008176640000
long res1 = factorial.get(20);

// for n=10, the result is already memoized, so super fast.
long res2 = factorial.get(10);

// let's be more complex. this is a memoization to calculate
// combinations by recursion. (

Memoization<Index2D, Integer> combination = GoodMemoizationFactory.getInstance().create(new MemoizationFunction<Index2D, Integer>() {
	public Integer get(Index2D input, Memoization<Index2D, Integer> memo) {
		int n = input.i1;
		int k = input.i2;
		if (k == 0 || n == k)
			return 1;
			return memo.get(new Index2D(n - 1, k - 1)) + memo.get(new Index2D(n - 1, k));

int res3 = combination.get(new Index2D(10, 5)); // for (10, 5), the result is 252


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